14.00 – 14.30 Opening speech
Metin Bakkalcı, HRFT Chair
14.30 – 16.00 Keynote speech
Étienne Balibar, “One world, one health, one Species? Cosmopolitics in the pandemic”
Moderator: Nilgün Toker
16.30 – 18.30 Panel 1: What does the corporatization of states signify for human rights?
Ahmet İnsel, “Ruling the country like a family business: Another face of authoritarianism”
Aslı Odman, “Corporatized states and crimes of the powerful”
Moderator: Coşkun Üsterci
16.00 – 18.00 Panel 2: Populism, lies and human rights in a post-truth world
Éric Fassin, “The politics of anti-intellectualism in neoliberal times”
Zeynep Gambetti, “Fending off the truth in the age of new authoritarianism”
Moderator: Serdar Tekin
18.30 –20.30 Panel 3: Human rights and new technologies
Ronald Niezen, “Open source justice: Digital archiving in international criminal law”
Tarık Beyhan, “The effects of internet on the future of freedom: The case of Turkey”
Moderator: Zeynep Özen
14.00 – 16.00 Panel 4: HRFT Academy Human Rights Research Program : Paper Presentations I
Eren Alkan, “The Saturday Mothers and Activism in Turkey: Memory, Resistance, and the Politics of Emotion”
Neslişah Karakoç, “An Analysis of State’s Official Discourse on Syrian Refugees Living in Turkey”
Muhlis Oğurgül, “Judicial Pressure on Bar Associations”
Dilan Yılmaz, “Sentenced to Aggravated Life Imprisonment”
Hazal Akpınar, “Trans Prisoners: Prison Conditions, Rights Violations, and the Struggle to Defend Rights”
Moderator: Cansu Akbaş Demirel
16.30 – 18.30 Panel 5: HRFT Academy Human Rights Research Program : Paper Presentations II
Onur Şimşek, “Violence and Transphobia Experienced by Transgender Sex Workers in 90’s at Beyoğlu”
Sera Şimşek, “Violations of the Right to Work of Female Cleaning Workers in a University Hospital”
Tuncay Gökçen, Onur Erden, Baran Kılıç, “Violations of right to work of labour observed by occupational health physicians”
Dicle Dilan Salman, “The Right to Fair Access to Healthy Food in Prisons”
Deniz Bayrak, “Attacks on Graveyards: A Human Rights Approach”
Moderator: Aslı Davas
19.00 – 21.00 Panel 6: Covid-19, the right to life and “disposable lives”
Warren Montag, “Abandonment as strategy: Class war in the age of pandemic and climate change”
Feride Aksu Tanık, “Neglected lives unregistered deaths”
Moderator: Eylem Yıldızer
14.00 – 16.00 Panel 7: Learning from struggle
Ranjana Padhi, “People’s resistance, neoliberalism and the politics of displacement and dispossession in Eastern India”
Türkcan Baykal, “The significance of integration in multi-dimensional struggles: The case of the struggle against torture”
Moderator: Nermin Biter
16.30 – 18.30 Panel 8: Courage in dark times
Gaye Boralıoğlu, “The fear of the fool”
Nilgün Toker, “Daring to will the good”
Moderator: Ümit Efe